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University of Brighton
Project | The development, evaluation and dissemination of an environmental sustainability recipe book to reduce the carbon footprint of intensive care |
Description |
The Intensive Care Environmental Sustainability Recipe Book will be speciality-specific, evidence-based guidance on reducing the environmental footprint of intensive care units in the UK. This will include practical information for procurement, clinical procedures, waste management and a measurable daily checklist for environmentally sustainable intensive care practice. Statutory requirements and professional standards for healthcare and sustainability in the four nations of the UK will be considered throughout the Recipe Book. The project is a collaboration between the University of Brighton, Intensive Care Society, Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and UK Critical Care Nursing Alliance. |
Funding | £ 98,125 |
Competition | Competition 24 - Delivering a Net Zero NHS for a Healthier Future |
Competition Date | October 2023 |
Categories | Net zero |
Website | |