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Impact to date

The innovations in the SBRI Healthcare portfolio have enabled the NHS to improve patient care and efficiencies in the health and social care system. They have also created and retained job opportunities to support the UK economy.


Total invested
Products supported
IP granted
New collaborations established
Sites accessed through trials or sales
Jobs created/retained
Private investment leveraged
Companies with commercial revenues
Revenue generated
Products exported
Companies with sales in the NHS
Patients involved through sales and trials
Improved patient care
Increased efficiency in the NHS
Enabled the NHS to access innovation
UK economic growth
Patient Testimonials from the SBRI Healthcare portfolio

“I have found using the uMotif app really valuable. It gives me a chance, each evening, to quickly review the day and monitor symptoms. Having this overview generally means I feel more optimistic about my disease as the easily remembered bad days are outweighed by good days when I look back at the graphs"

Patient, UMotif

"Since starting the online management for COPD, I have noticed a tremendous difference in my symptoms. I have learned how to take my inhalers correctly and have started exercising regularly using the videos on the website"

Patient, My mHealth

"I didn’t particularly want to die, I just didn’t want to live like I was. I was talking to absolutely nobody. I didn’t have anybody. Help always felt just out of my reach. I was barely sleeping, barely eating, I was self-harming. I had nobody to turn to. Then Tellmi came along. Those people made it feel like suicide wasn’t the only way out. You could be yourself without having anyone else judge who you are and what you look like and what you’ve done. That’s something so rare. A community that is loving and caring towards one another. Tellmi is honestly such a safe haven for people with those kind of mental health issues. Without Tellmi I’m not sure I’d be here."

Tellmi user, aged 16, Greenwich


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