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Search the SBRI Healthcare and NHS Cancer Programme Innovation Open call portfolio.

If you would like further information on any of the companies listed in the Directory please contact the SBRI Healthcare PMO by email or tel: +44 20 8843 8125.

We would be happy to make introductions to the companies or provide any further feedback you require.

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Cambridge Clinical Management Analytics

Project Decision Support Tool for Predicting & Managing Emergency Department Crowding

Flow|ER is a product that aims to get to the heart of this complexity through analysing an internationally agreed set of crowding measures to PREDICT crowding problems that are likely to occur in advance of them happening and PROPOSE interventions to improve flow. Emergency Department (ED) crowding is not only a key NHS 'target' concern but studies show that it results in increased mortality and poorer outcomes for patients that survive.

Funding £ 75,124
Competition Competition 10 - Reducing pressure on Urgent and Emergency care
Competition Date September 2015
Categories Generic health relevance
Health Innovation Network Partner Eastern AHSN
Website No Website


Project Healthcab for Healthcare professionals – delivering system flow

Healthcab for Healthcare Professionals - Delivering System Flow. This proposal is designed to create a step change in patient flow. Based on proven technology in the Patient Transport (PTS) market, we wish to explore the feasibility of expanding this into the support of urgent care flow.

Funding £ 830,489
Competition Competition 10 - Reducing pressure on Urgent and Emergency care
Competition Date September 2015
Categories Generic health relevance , NHS efficiencies
Health Innovation Network Partner Yorkshire and Humber AHSN

Current Health (Snap40)

Project A pro-active patient health monitoring platform

snap40’s solution, Senda, aims to prevent avoidable patient health deterioration, in hospital and in the community. Senda is an advanced machine learning software platform, which consumes data from a variety of different sources, including continuous vital signs from snap40's own wearable device and electronic health records. Senda analyses the consumed data in real-time to calculate a probability of future health deterioration, allowing oversight across the emergency department of patient risk and enabling better planning and data-driven admission decisions. When the probability of deterioration reaches a threshold, Senda issues immediate calls to action, bringing healthcare to patients pro-actively.

Funding £ 833,078
Competition Competition 10 - Reducing pressure on Urgent and Emergency care
Competition Date September 2015


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