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Search the SBRI Healthcare and NHS Cancer Programme Innovation Open call portfolio.

If you would like further information on any of the companies listed in the Directory please contact the SBRI Healthcare PMO by email or tel: +44 20 8843 8125.

We would be happy to make introductions to the companies or provide any further feedback you require.

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Highland Biosciences

Project Improving efficiency of acute care with a near-patient coagulopathy biosensor

This project will demonstrate that delivering near-patient coagulopathy diagnostics into acute care will improve efficiency of use of resources within the hospital.  This project utilises the skills of NIHR Diagnostic Evidence Co-operative London (DEC) (Imperial College St. Marys Hospital) to gather stakeholder evidence and generate potential new pathways alongside economic cost modelling. Highland Biosciences Ltd (HBL) will gather expert insight and advance its technology to meet the challenge.

Managed by HBL, the project focuses on delivering new clinical approaches to the NHS whilst generating the evidence for a highly commercially attractive value proposition for a new diagnostic business.

Funding £ 102,998
Competition Competition 11 - Improving patient flow to maximise operational efficiency in the Acute Sector
Competition Date August 2016


Project Mobilising patient outcomes and enabling personalised support

IEG4 and Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust will co-produce and prototype a software solution to deliver personalised assessed outcomes to those patients, carers and families needing most support on discharge. Dramatically improving patient experience, improving efficiency and enabling system transformation.The proposed solution will focus on: Outcomes for patients not the needs of organisations. Streamlining online referrals and assessments. Facilitating the complete removal of paper and sharing outcomes with targeted support and care organisations and family / friends / volunteers. Matching resources in the community to patient needs allowing flexible and mobile remote working.

Funding £ 73,430
Competition Competition 11 - Improving patient flow to maximise operational efficiency in the Acute Sector
Competition Date August 2016
Health Innovation Network Partner Greater Manchester AHSN

Nervecentre Software

Project Electronic CUR- Enhancing patient flow and facilitating appropriate discharge

There are three pillars to maximizing the hospital capacity: efficient allocation of beds, understanding and managing the condition of patients, and the focus of staff upon a prioritised set of activities. Traditional bed management focuses upon the first of these, but in hospitals that are typically over 95% full, they provide little benefit. Our approach focuses upon use of mobile software to achieve regular, accurate capture of patient status, and efficient allocation and prioritisation of work for staff. Our proposal combines lean thinking, patient centric pathways, and right clinician, right place, tight time concepts; translating this understanding into capacity management.

Funding £ 415,690
Competition Competition 11 - Improving patient flow to maximise operational efficiency in the Acute Sector
Competition Date August 2016
Health Innovation Network Partner Oxford AHSN


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