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If you would like further information on any of the companies listed in the Directory please contact the SBRI Healthcare PMO by email or tel: +44 20 8843 8125.

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RUMI Medtech Limited

Project Digital transformation of clinical pathways with Remcare

Remcare is a pathway agnostic digital solution which enables customisable remote data collection/monitoring through electronic clinical questionnaires and bespoke surveys. Patients can answer these questionnaires from the comfort of their homes on the Remcare app.

The Remcare clinician dashboard assimilates this data to permit automated risk stratification. It therefore sits at the centre of clinical pathway redesign customised to patient risk. Downstream benefits of this include fewer patient appointments, reduced burden on staff, patient self-management, shared decision making and more timely intervention using real time data leading to improved patient outcomes and satisfaction. Such pathways are perfectly aligned to deal with the increased demand on throughput needed for elective recovery.

Funding £ 336,544
Competition Competition 19 - NHS Reset and Recovery and New Ways of Working
Competition Date August 2021
Health Innovation Network Partner East Midlands AHSN


Project Project CYTOPRIME - Cytosponge in Primary and Community Care

Endoscopy is a rate limiting step in the diagnosis of oesophageal cancer, and the pandemic has only exacerbated pre-existing waiting lists and delays. We urgently need alternative technologies to support recovery of NHS services and shorten patient waiting times.

The Cytosponge test is a non-endoscopic test for the earlier detection of oesophageal cancer that is transforming the care pathway for people living with chronic reflux and Barrett’s Oesophagus. Cytosponge can be used to triage those on endoscopy waiting lists and who present to their GPs with symptoms to identify those at most risk of cancer to prioritise for endoscopy. Project CYTOPRIME will pilot the Cytosponge test in the community to support recovery of endoscopy services across the North West Coast.

Funding £ 416,483
Competition Competition 19 - NHS Reset and Recovery and New Ways of Working
Competition Date August 2021
Categories Cancer
Health Innovation Network Partner North West Coast AHSN

Definition Health

Project The use of a Total Digital Surgery Tool to improve prehabilitation of patients and increase effectiveness of surgery pathways within hospitals.

The AWS cloud based Total Digital surgery platform by Definition Health allows any patients traditional care to be augmented with digital care and communication wherever needed from first clinic appointments, through to smart perioperative scores and education, to outcome scores and then the monitoring of patients throughout there recovery. The patients unique portal allows direct connection to smart hospital dashboards so instant multidisciplinary care can be instantly delivered to patients by multiple healthcare professionals.

The instantly scalable platform is DTAC compliant and is part of the NHS National Innovation Accelerator programme.

Funding £ 322,745
Competition Competition 19 - NHS Reset and Recovery and New Ways of Working
Competition Date August 2021
Categories Generic health relevance
Health Innovation Network Partner Kent Surrey Sussex AHSN


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