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Search the SBRI Healthcare and NHS Cancer Programme Innovation Open call portfolio.

If you would like further information on any of the companies listed in the Directory please contact the SBRI Healthcare PMO by email or tel: +44 20 8843 8125.

We would be happy to make introductions to the companies or provide any further feedback you require.

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Project Facilitated self-management of dementia using social and clinical networks

IXICO, in collaboration with the South London Health Innovation Network, has developed MyBrainBook (MBB) a tool for supporting patients post-diagnosis of dementia. MBB captures a profile of the patient and guides them through building a personalised careplan with the support of a facilitator. It can be shared with friends and family, healthcare practitioners or social workers to help improve the quality of life for those living with dementia, and can smooth transition to other care settings.

Funding £ 81,483
Competition Competition 5 - Mental Health: A Focus on Health Technology
Competition Date September 2013
Health Innovation Network Partner Imperial College Health Partners AHSN


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