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Pinpoint Data Science Limited

Project Improving the NHS Urgent Referral Pathways for Cancer using an Affordable Blood Test for Cancer

GPs in England currently refer 2.5 million patients a year for possible cancer diagnosis. Over 9 in every 10 of them do not have cancer but undergo multiple expensive, time consuming and stressful diagnostic tests, affecting patient lives and using funds that could be used elsewhere. The PinPoint test was designed to reduce the number of patients needing these tests, thereby reducing patient anxiety, pressure on doctors and increasing diagnostic capacity. Working with NHS doctors, PinPoint designed the test using machine learning which takes a range of blood measurements to produce a single number that tells doctors a patient’s chance of having cancer which they can then use to more effectively stratify, triage, prioritise and safety net 2WW patients.

Visit Pinpoint Data Science website

The PinPoint Test is a decision support tool for clinicians. A stratification, prioritisation, safety netting and triage test for NHS cancer patients using data from a single blood draw, running on existing NHS IT/laboratory testing systems under NHS control.

Funding £ 752,021
Competition NHS Cancer Programme – Innovation Open Call 1
Competition Date February 2021
Categories Cancer
Health Innovation Network Partner Yorkshire and Humber AHSN
Website Technologies Limited

Project AI assisted Chest X-ray triage for improving diagnostic efficiency and early detection of Lung cancer

qXR, a class II CE approved medical device, detects and localises 20+ abnormalities on a CXR including the presence of lung nodules. qXR is intended to support consultant radiologists and reporting radiographers in clinical decision making. It is an automated chest x-ray AI algorithm to improve efficiency, accuracy and turnaround time (TAT) in reporting CXRs. QXR is deployed in more than 30+ countries for multiple disease applications including Tuberculosis, COVID-19 and Lung cancer. With two US patents for the product and several validation studies published in leading journals like The Lancet, qXR has proven to be accurately identifying the abnormalities in the lung, in a few minutes.

Funding £ 3,221,710
Competition NHS Cancer Programme – Innovation Open Call 1
Competition Date February 2021
Categories Cancer
Health Innovation Network Partner UCLPartners AHSN

RM Partners

Project Liquid Biopsies for Faster Diagnosis of Pancreatic and Biliary Tract Cancers

Pancreatic and bile duct cancer have the worst outlook of any cancer but the slowest diagnosis given their location deep in the body. The current pathway relies on invasive biopsies to diagnose these cancers. This pathway is slow, with some patients having repeated procedures to get a diagnosis, often resulting in delays to patients starting treatment.

A liquid biopsy is a non-invasive blood test which can be used to detect tumour DNA in the blood of patients with suspected pancreatic and biliary tract cancers. We will add liquid biopsies into the current diagnostic pathway, to cut through major bottlenecks and enable patients to access treatment earlier.

Funding £ 1,237,838
Competition NHS Cancer Programme – Innovation Open Call 1
Competition Date February 2021
Categories Cancer
Health Innovation Network Partner Imperial College Health Partners AHSN


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